Islamic Information Centre
Find out more about Habib Bank AG Zurich plc, the services we offer, and other useful information.
This section provides you with the important documents related to our Sirat banking products and services.
For more information on products, kindly refer to the following document:
This section provides the convenience of accessing the most frequently used forms related to our Sirat banking products and services.
You have the following options, (i) complete the interactive form(s) and save/download them to your PC/laptop for printing and for signing, or (ii) download, and print the form(s) to then complete by hand and then sign. At all times, please add your signature(s) before submitting to us for processing.
Sirat Account Opening Form - Business
Sirat Account Opening Form - Personal
Sirat Additional Account Opening Form - Business
Sirat Additional Account Opening Form - Personal
Sirat Self Certification Form
Sirat Fixed Term Deposit Form
Sirat Visa Debit Card Application Form
Sirat Visa Debit Card Replacement, PIN Reset, Limit & Channel Management Form
Sirat Visa Debit Card Disputed Transaction Form
This section outlines the fees and charges for our Sirat banking products and services.