
Set Up Bespoke Trusts For Succession Planning


Trusts offer a structured method for succession planning, detailing beneficiaries, timing, and proportions of asset distribution. They also define the management of trust assets during the settlors’ lifetime and designate control after their passing, ensuring the assets are handled according to their specific wishes. This approach gives you complete freedom to implement your chosen distribution plan, providing peace of mind and a lasting legacy for future generations.

Services for Trusts in Habib Bank AG Zurich Switzerland for your Succession Planning

To Find Out More

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Head Office

Habib Bank AG Zurich
Weinbergstrasse 59, 8006 Zurich


Habib Bank AG Zurich (DIFC office),
Burj Daman Building 801,
Dubai International Financial Centre
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


+971 (4) 5492800



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